This is my first blog post. I will be doing these blog posts on what we did during this STEMersion.
The first thing that we did today was to go over the schedule and expectations. Here are some of the rules that we made:
Respect Surroundings
Use Common Sense
Be kind
Be thoughtful
Stay on the trial when hiking
After we were done going over the rules we then did an activity to get to know each other a little better. It was called the hand game. All you do is write 5 things about yourself on a printed out paper of a hand. Then we walk around the room and find people that have the same/similar things about them, and they sign their initials off on that thing. You finish the game when you have a signature on everything.
The next activity that we did was we went outside and played a similar game to the hand game. Instead, what we did was each of us, got a rubber spot, and made them into a circle outside. Everyone then stood on their spot, but then one person had to take their spot out of the circle. Then, they went to the center of the circle and they say "the wind blows for those who.." and then they say something like, is wearing shorts, and then everyone who is wearing shorts must run and get their own spot, whoever doesn't get a spot, then goes to the center.
After that, we went back went back inside, and learned about the expectations for our blogs and some things that we needed to have in them. We saw some papers of different examples of blogs and then we ranked them on a scale of 1-10 on how well met the requirements via the rubric, we had. After that we then went outside to the pond, next to the school to take close up pictures of nature, and then we sat outside to meditate a little bit. That was my least favorite part because there was Geese poop, and snakes out there.
We then went back inside for lunch and recess.
After looking back at the day, I think that I understood what it means to "Live Deliberately" . It means to live with a purpose and to enjoy the moment.